Doula offerings
Labor & Birth Support
There are two options for labor & birth support that both include prenatal and postpartum visits.
Option 1 @ $2,200
3 prenatal sessions that can include:
Support in articulating your vision for your birth, answering questions about interventions, & developing your birth preferences
Understanding the protocol for your birth location & exploring informed consent & advocacy
Getting to know each other and discussing how we will work together as a team
Demonstrating & practicing labor positions & comfort measures
Offering recommendations for food, movement, & herbal medicine
Helping you plan for the postpartum period
Labor & Birth support:
Emotional support and reassurance
Physical support during active labor & birth
Suggestions to facilitate labor progress with positions, breathing, movement, acupressure, etc.
1-2 hours of immediate postpartum care to help with transitions, newborn care, and feeding
1 post birth visit
Within 1-2 weeks after your birth to see how you are settling in with your newborn, process your birth experience, offer a healing treatment that can include an herbal sitz bath, moxa treatment, and/or belly binding
Text, phone, and email support throughout the process
Access to my online informational and educational resources
Option 2 @ $2,500
This option includes all of the above plus two additional postpartum sessions. These sessions can include:
Caring for your newborn so you can rest and/or take care of the home
Healing bodywork: moxibustion, herbal baths, down there steams, and/or belly wrapping
Guidance in newborn feeding
Demonstration and instruction in infant massage
Support with emotional processing
Dietary and herbal recommendations
Cerrada/Closing Ceremony for the birthing person
Prenatal Support
These stand alone prenatal sessions are 90 minutes each and offer the opportunity to work together to help you prepare for your birth. They can include creating your birth preferences, rebozo techniques & comfort measures for labor, helping you understand the benefits and risks of potential interventions, nutrition & herbal recommendations, coaching for pushing & birth, pelvic floor health & healing practices, preparing for your postpartum time, and more. You will also have access to my online informational and educational resources. The fee for exchange is $150 per session.
Postpartum Care
The first 6 weeks after giving birth is a tender and important time. I believe that additional care and ceremonial work can help support your healing and ease your transition into life with your new baby/babies. These sessions can be add-ons to your labor & birth support or stand alone. Depending on your individual birth experience and needs postpartum care may include combinations of the following:
Gentle belly massage & binding
Down there/yoni steam or medicinal herbal bath
Moxibustion (a warming, soothing herbal treatment)
Energetic and physical massage/bodywork
Support with newborn communication, care & feeding
Support around emotional recovery & processing
Infant massage demonstration & instruction for caregivers
Dietary and herbal recommendations & meal prep
A Cerrada/Closing Ceremony (includes a reflection ritual for you and your birth team, an herbal bath, massage, and wrapping, rocking & sealing with rebozos)
Individual sessions: A fee for exchange of $150 per session (about 1.5 hours). These can be tailored to your particular needs.
The first 40 days package: 6 postpartum sessions, one per week for the first 6 weeks, including a traditional closing ceremony as the final visit. A fee for exchange of $900.
Abortion, Early Pregnancy & Reproductive Loss
Full spectrum doulas recognize the wide variety of outcomes that folks may experience in their reproductive journeys. This can include abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, and reproductive loss (unsuccessful insemination and/or in vitro fertilization). These can be deeply transformational times and are deserving of compassionate care. Depending on your circumstances and needs, individual sessions may include:
Emotional and physical support before, during, and/or after procedures
Setting the space & helping hold a release ritual and/or closing ceremony, if desired
Providing healing support, including: herbal baths, down there/yoni steams, abdominal massage & belly binding, moxibustion, etc.
Holding space for your processing